Mail Orders

You can always call (415 824-8203) or email the store ( to arrange a mail order with us directly. We’re happy to speak with you and ensure you get the books you want.
Packaging standards for mail orders
One of the ways that we express our love of books is the care with which we pack them for shipping. Our packaging standards are some of the highest in the industry. This care does make our shipping cost a bit higher than average but we feel that our customers and our books are worth the extra trouble and cost.
All our books are wrapped in virgin (i.e. clean and blank, not recycled newspaper) paper before packing. Mass market (i.e. small size) paperbacks are shipped in bubble-wrap lined envelopes. Trade (i.e. large) paperbacks and hardcovers are wrapped in bubble wrap and shipped in cardboard boxes. We almost always use new boxes but we will occasionally reuse boxes for shipping, typically for larger orders.